We collect and use personal information for the following purposes:
We do not provide personal information to third parties without prior consent from the user, except in the following cases as permitted by the Personal Information Protection Act or other laws:
In the following cases, the recipient of the information is not considered a third party:
Upon receiving a request from a user for the disclosure of their personal information, we will disclose it to the user without delay. However, if the disclosure falls under any of the following cases, we may partially or fully withhold the information and will notify the user if we decide not to disclose it. A fee of ¥1,000 will be charged per disclosure request.
Information other than personal information, such as historical or characteristic information, will not be disclosed in principle.
If a user believes their personal information held by us is incorrect, they may request correction, addition, or deletion (“Correction, etc.”) of the information following our prescribed procedures. If we determine that it is necessary to respond to the request, we will promptly make the corrections. Once corrections are made or a decision is made not to make corrections, we will notify the user without delay.
If a user requests the suspension or deletion (“Suspension, etc.”) of their personal information on the grounds that it is being handled beyond the scope of its intended use or was obtained through improper means, we will conduct the necessary investigation promptly. Based on the investigation results, if we deem the request necessary, we will promptly suspend or delete the personal information and notify the user.
If suspension or deletion is difficult due to high costs or other reasons, we will take alternative measures to protect the user’s rights and interests.
The content of this policy may be changed without prior notice to the user, except as otherwise provided by law or this policy. Unless otherwise specified by us, the revised Privacy Policy will take effect upon publication on this website.
For inquiries regarding this policy, please contact us via the following inquiry form: